Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Modification is endless

 Everything has its life and certain things need to be modified in order to perform at their best. Our team is always scoop up on modification.  Some big is coming soon. 🙌

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Colloidal mill machine


 We did modified our existing colloidal mill machine.

After the modification of this machine, problem of oil seal damage is diminished as there is no requirement of oil seal for this orientation.

It looks pretty cool.

Maintenance is comparatively easier.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Free style Poem

what can you write if you dont know anything 
what can you tell if you dont see anything
what can you do if you dont feel anything
you are the star of your own sky
you are the world of your own universe
you only you are the ruler of your own kingdom
rule yourself so that you can shine and keep your own world brighter
everywhere i see people with no love in their heart
everywhere i see people with no regret in their mistake
but you are a staggering man 
search yourself in that crowed 
love yourself in that space
feel your emotion yourself
you will not find the nicest person at all to feel it
yeah definitely they may listen your problem
yeah assume you would find one 
but nobody will understand 
here is your job to find the difference between listening and understanding
over everything play the song of your favorite singer
listen it and feel
you will find out again you are alive
you will feel it again this is not the end of world
yeah you can imagine
just imagine

Friday, February 23, 2018

                    thought of the day

not few years back only is the past for me
few moment back is also the past
so just keep going straight
keep that thought in mind that you are the only one who
can make yourself happy

so live the moment
don't let your past ruin your future
                                                                                navaraj subedi

Friday, January 5, 2018

actually this is the site for you
who is better of him/her from inside

think  in the better for the suspecious enhancement
of ideas
the biggest problem of the today world is the education system
that is holding its root to the traditional way of the pattern

Saturday, May 27, 2017

The sentence "I can do" is more important
than "I don't have resources to do that"
you and your mind are enough
just try to make it in very simple possible
Rather than being philosophical be more
you will always find the way to complete it